Press Release in 2024 - The Super Guide (UPDATED)

Getting your message across quickly and clearly is important. Whether you're launching a new product, announcing a partnership, or celebrating a big company milestone, how you share your news can make a big difference to your brand's image and customer engagement, and impact your profits. That's why a well-written press release is so important.

This guide helps you navigate the often tricky world of public relations. It's here to give you the know-how and strategies to use press releases effectively, so your business can stand out and get noticed.

We'll cover what a press release is, why it's important in today's digital world, how to create a powerful press release, the best ways to distribute it, the importance of press release SEO, how to craft the perfect headline and boilerplate, understanding your audience, the right timing, and how to measure the success of your press release.

I. The Importance of Press Releases

Every company, whether a new startup or a big corporation, is trying to stand out in a busy market. In this tough competition, a well-written press release is a key tool for corporate communication. It's a powerful marketing tool that does more than just share news.

1. Brand Communication and Reputation Management

Press releases are a key way to share official information about a company's activities. They provide a direct line of communication from the company to the public, helping to build credibility. Whether it's about new products, acquisitions, executive changes, or financial results, press releases keep everyone in the loop.

Press releases also help shape a company's brand story. They let companies control how their news is shared and understood, reducing the chance of misinformation. By creating a clear message, companies can boost their brand image, reinforce their identity, and build trust with their audience.

2. Media Relations

Press releases are a go-to source for journalists looking for the latest company news. A well-crafted press release with valuable content can catch a journalist's eye and lead to important media coverage. This kind of coverage from trusted media sources can boost a brand's visibility and reputation.

Press releases also help build relationships with journalists and media outlets. By regularly sharing newsworthy press releases, a company can become known as a reliable source of information, making future media coverage more likely.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Press releases are key to boosting a company's online presence. When shared through trusted PR distribution services, they can show up on many high-profile news sites. This expands the company's online reach, increases visibility, and improves search engine rankings.

Press releases can also include keywords relevant to the company and its industry, which helps with SEO. Including links to the company's website in the press release can drive traffic and build a strong backlink profile, another important SEO factor.

4. Crisis Management

In a crisis, press releases are vital for managing the situation. They let companies quickly address the issue, explain their position, and detail their action plans. This proactive approach can reduce negative impacts, restore trust, and protect the company's reputation.

5. Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to many types of advertising, press releases are a cost-effective marketing tool with a great return on investment. They can reach a wide audience for a relatively low cost, especially when shared through the right channels. The ROI is even higher when a press release leads to free media coverage.

Press releases are still a key part of public relations. Even with new ways to communicate, they effectively share corporate news, manage reputation, build media relationships, boost SEO, and handle crises. So, knowing how to use press releases is crucial for any business wanting to succeed in today’s fast-paced market.

II. The Basics of a Good Press Release

Standing out in a world full of content is tough, especially with press releases since journalists get tons every day. Crafting a press release that grabs attention and gets your message across effectively is an art. Here’s a breakdown of what makes a compelling press release.

1. Headline: Your First Impression

Your headline is your first - and sometimes only - chance to grab the reader's attention. It should be short, clear, and interesting. Use action words and keep it under ten words if you can. Avoid jargon and buzzwords. The headline should give a quick snapshot of the news and make the reader want to know more.

2. Subhead: The Supporting Act

A subhead isn't always needed, but it can add important context to your headline. It lets you expand on the main point without overloading the headline with details. The subhead should be informative yet also enticing.

3. Dateline: The When and Where

This part of the press release starts with the city and date. It tells the reader when and where the news is coming from.

4. Lead: The Story Starter

The lead, or introduction, needs to hook the reader right away. It should summarize the most important part of the press release, answering who, what, when, where, and why. The lead sets the tone for the rest of the release and should make the reader want to keep going.

5. Body: The Meat of the Story

The body of the press release gives detailed information about the news. It builds on the lead, providing more details, background info, and relevant quotes. The info should be well-organized and follow the inverted pyramid structure – start with the most important info and then add supporting details.

6. Quotes: Humanizing the News

Quotes add a personal touch to your press release. They should offer insight or opinion, not just repeat what's already been said. Quotes can come from key company reps, industry experts, or anyone relevant to the story.

7. Boilerplate: The Briefing Room

The boilerplate is a short paragraph at the end that gives background info about the company. It should include the company's mission, a brief history, and major achievements.

8. Contact Information: The Connection Point

Finally, include the contact details of the person who can provide more information. This could be a PR rep or someone else in the organization. Include a name, phone number, and email address.

Every element of a press release serves a purpose and is crucial in effectively communicating your message. Understanding how to craft each part will ensure your news stands out, is understood, and reaches the right people.

III. Press releases have changed with the rise of digital media

The press release has been an essential communication tool for over a century, and its evolution in the digital age has been remarkable. Instead of losing relevance, press releases have gained even more potential.

1. The Rise of the Internet: A New Information Landscape

The internet revolutionized how we access and share information, and press releases adapted too. Once sent directly to journalists via mail, fax, or email, they can now be shared instantly with a global audience online.

2. The Digital Release: A Better Format

Digital press releases allow companies to include multimedia elements like high-res photos, infographics, videos, and interactive content. These elements make the press release more engaging and help communicate complex information more effectively.

3. SEO and Press Releases: Reaching More People

With search engines becoming important, integrating SEO into press releases is crucial. By using relevant keywords, businesses can improve their visibility in search results and reach a larger audience. It's important to balance keyword use with high-quality content.

4. Social Media and Press Releases: Boosting Engagement

Social media platforms offer another way to distribute and promote press releases. Sharing them on social media allows companies to engage directly with their audience, foster discussions, and have their news shared by followers, extending their reach.

5. Measurement and Analysis: Gauging Impact

Digital tools enable businesses to measure the impact of their press releases. Analytics can show how many people viewed the release, where they are located, how long they stayed on the page, and more. These insights are invaluable for future planning.

6. Online Newsrooms: Centralizing Company News

The digital age has brought about online newsrooms, dedicated sections on a company’s website where press releases, news, images, videos, and other media assets are available. Online newsrooms provide journalists, investors, and the public easy access to company news, ensuring transparency and openness.

While the digital age has undoubtedly reshaped the press release, the core principles remain the same. A well-crafted press release is still about telling a compelling story, announcing something newsworthy, and providing valuable information to the intended audience. These digital enhancements are merely tools to amplify that fundamental purpose.

IV. How to craft an Effective Press Release

Writing a press release is an art. It's about presenting valuable information concisely and compellingly, respecting journalistic standards, and engaging readers' attention. Here's how to master that art.

1. Headline: Your First Impression Counts

The headline of your press release is your chance to make a strong first impression. It should be brief, clear, and compelling enough to prompt journalists or the public to read further. Employ powerful, action-oriented language, and avoid jargon. Remember, your headline is competing with many others, so make it stand out.

2. Lead Paragraph: Summarize the Newsworthy Element

The lead paragraph of your press release, often referred to as the lede, should succinctly summarize the most critical elements of your story. Who? What? When? Where? Why? These questions should be addressed in your first few lines to set the context for the reader.

3. Body: Deliver Value and Details

The body of the press release is where you provide more in-depth information. Maintain a clear, objective tone, and avoid excessive use of adjectives or promotional language. Also, make sure your press release is structured logically, with each paragraph flowing naturally from the last.

4. Quotes: Personalize and Provide Insight

Including quotes from relevant stakeholders, such as executives or key employees, can lend a human element to your press release. Quotes should provide unique insights or perspectives that enrich your narrative, not merely reiterate information already provided in the body text.

5. Boilerplate: Give Context about Your Company

The boilerplate, typically found at the end of a press release, offers a brief description of your company, including its mission, size, location, and history. This section helps readers gain a broader understanding of who you are and what you do.

6. Contact Information: Enable Follow-up

Always conclude your press release with contact information. Whether it's a member of your PR team or a designated company spokesperson, make sure journalists have a direct line of contact for any follow-up queries or interviews.

7. Multimedia: Enrich Your Storytelling

With digital press releases, it's possible to incorporate photos, infographics, or even video content. This addition can help bring your story to life and provide additional value and context for your audience.

8. Editing and Proofreading: Prioritize Precision

Before publishing or distributing your press release, make sure to thoroughly edit and proofread it. Any errors, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies can harm your credibility. If possible, have a colleague or a professional editor review the content.

The art of crafting a press release involves striking a balance between sharing relevant, exciting news and maintaining a professional, informative tone. As much as a press release is a promotional tool, it's also an informational one, and understanding this duality is key to writing an effective release.

V. Understanding the Importance of Timing in Press Releases

Timing is an essential aspect of any press release strategy. Get it right, and you enhance your chances of capturing maximum attention and visibility. Get it wrong, and you risk your news getting lost amidst countless other stories. Understanding when to publish a press release, and why timing matters so much, can significantly impact your press release success.

1. Breaking News vs. Evergreen Stories

Firstly, it's important to differentiate between time-sensitive news and evergreen stories. Breaking news or immediate announcements, such as a product launch or a major company change, should be released promptly to retain their relevance. Evergreen stories, on the other hand, which are not tied to a specific time or event, have more flexibility and can be released when the timing is most beneficial.

2. The Day of the Week Matters

Studies have shown that certain days of the week are better than others for press release distribution. While there are some variations across industries, generally, mid-week days — Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday — tend to perform the best. Mondays are often busy with catch-up tasks from the weekend, and Fridays see many people winding down for the weekend.

3. The Timing within the Day Also Counts

As well as the day of the week, the time of day you publish your press release can make a difference. Generally, early to mid-morning is often optimal, as it allows your news to reach journalists and newsrooms when they're starting their day and planning their coverage. However, avoid very early morning hours when your release could get lost in the inbox shuffle.

4. Consider Time Zones

If your news is relevant to people in different geographical areas, make sure to factor in time zones. This factor can be particularly important for global companies or those operating in multiple markets.

5. Timing to Coincide with Other Marketing Efforts

If your press release is part of a broader marketing or PR campaign, coordinate the timing to align with other promotional efforts. This coordination ensures a cohesive, consistent message across all channels.

6. Avoiding the Crowd

Lastly, it's crucial to be aware of other major events or news that could overshadow your announcement. Major industry events, holidays, or significant global news stories can dominate the media landscape, making it harder for your press release to get the attention it deserves.

Timing may seem a small detail in the grand scheme of your press release strategy, but it holds significant influence over your release's visibility and impact. By understanding the importance of timing and strategically choosing when to distribute your press releases, you increase your chances of gaining the coverage your news deserves.

VI. How to write a Compelling Press Release

Creating a compelling press release involves storytelling, understanding your audience, and staying true to your company's brand. This blend of elements influences how your news is received and shared, affecting its visibility and reach.

1. Know Your Audience

Start by understanding who you want to reach. What are their interests? What problems can your news solve for them? Tailoring your message to resonate with your target audience captures their interest and encourages engagement.

2. Define Your Key Message

Identify the main point of your news. Whether it's a product launch, an event, a new partnership, or a company milestone, your key message should be clear and easy to understand. Since journalists and readers often skim through releases, make sure your key message is prominent.

3. Use a Captivating Headline

Your headline is the first thing people see, so make it count. It should be catchy, concise, and accurately reflect the news. If your headline isn't interesting, the rest of your press release might not get read.

4. Craft a Compelling Lead Paragraph

The lead paragraph should hook your reader by summarizing the who, what, when, where, and why of your news. Since time is precious for both journalists and readers, put the most important information upfront.

5. Use Relevant Quotes

Including quotes from key people adds a personal touch and reinforces your key messages. Make sure they sound authentic and avoid too much industry jargon.

6. Keep it Concise

Keep your press release short and to the point, aiming for no more than one page. If more information is needed, add it in a "notes to editors" section or link to additional resources.

7. Include a Clear Call to Action

End with a clear call to action (CTA). What do you want readers to do next? Visit your website? Attend an event? Download a white paper? Make your CTA clear and compelling.

8. Proofread

Finally, proofread your press release. Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors can hurt your credibility and detract from your message.

The process of crafting a compelling press release requires thought, planning, and a good understanding of your audience and your key message. By following these steps, you can maximize the effectiveness of your press release and help ensure that your news receives the attention it deserves.

VII. Measuring the Success of Your Press Release

Evaluating the success of your press release is crucial for your ongoing PR strategy. It can help you understand how your press release performed, which aspects resonated with your audience, and which areas need improvement. There are several key performance indicators (KPIs) you should pay attention to:

1. Media Pickups

The primary goal of a press release is to generate media coverage. Media pickups refer to the number of media outlets that published your press release or wrote a story based on it. Higher media pickups suggest your press release is newsworthy and well-received.

2. Web Traffic

By analyzing web analytics, you can see how many people visited your website from the links in your press release. Increased web traffic indicates that your press release effectively generated interest and motivated readers to learn more about your news.

3. Social Media Shares

Social media shares measure how many times your press release was shared on social media platforms. High social media shares indicate that your press release resonated with readers and they felt compelled to share it with their followers.

4. Search Visibility

If your press release is properly optimized for search engines, it can help improve your search visibility. You can monitor your website's ranking for relevant keywords before and after the press release to assess its impact.

5. Sales and Conversions

If your press release was intended to drive sales or conversions, tracking these metrics can give you a clear idea of its effectiveness. A boost in sales or conversions following a press release indicates successful communication of your news.

6. Audience Engagement

Audience engagement can be measured by analyzing feedback, comments, likes, or any other form of interaction from your audience. High audience engagement means your press release was successful in sparking interest and provoking reactions.

Partnering with a seasoned press release service like BlockPR can help ensure the success of your press release. With their industry know-how, BlockPR can craft compelling press releases and distribute them strategically to maximize visibility. Furthermore, BlockPR offers insightful analytics to measure the performance of your press releases, providing valuable feedback for future campaigns. Knowing how to measure the success of your press releases can help refine your PR strategy, enhancing the effectiveness of future releases and bolstering your brand's reputation.

VIII. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Your Press Release

Your press release is out in the wild - excellent! However, your job isn't over just yet. It's time to analyze its effectiveness. This phase is often overlooked, but it is a critical component in the process. Analysis helps you understand the success of your current release and informs strategy for future ones.

1. Media Coverage

The most immediate and tangible metric is the amount of media coverage your press release generates. Track where your press release gets picked up and published. This can range from small industry blogs to major news outlets. Also, pay attention to the quality of the outlets that picked up your release, not just the quantity.

2. Website Traffic

Use web analytics tools like Google Analytics to track if there's an increase in traffic to your website after the distribution of the press release. Look at where your visitors are coming from to see if they're being referred from the sites that published your release.

3. Social Media Mentions

Monitor your social media platforms to see if people are discussing your news. Increased mentions could indicate that your press release sparked interest. Don’t forget to check for shares, likes, and comments on your press release post as well.

4. Engagement

Go beyond just tracking website visits and look at engagement metrics. This could be downloads of a new report mentioned in your release, sign-ups for an event, or purchases of a newly launched product.

5. Search Rankings

An effective press release can improve your company's search engine rankings, especially if your release gets picked up by high-authority sites. Track your rankings for keywords relevant to your release to see if there's an improvement.

6. Sales and Revenue

Ultimately, one of the key metrics of success is whether the press release helps boost sales or leads to new business opportunities. While it can be challenging to track this directly, any spikes in sales following the distribution of a press release could be a good sign.

Analyzing the effectiveness of your press release is not a step to be skipped. It provides valuable insight into your audience, your reach, and the overall success of your press release strategy. This data-driven approach can help shape more successful press releases in the future.

IX. Avoiding Common Press Release Mistakes

While a well-executed press release can garner significant attention and coverage for your company, there are some common pitfalls to avoid. Even minor mistakes can lessen the impact of your message, reduce your credibility, or even result in your release being ignored altogether.

1. Lack of Newsworthy Content

The first and most crucial mistake is sending out a press release without a newsworthy angle. Remember, journalists and media outlets are looking for stories that will interest their readers. Make sure your press release centers around a timely, relevant, and interesting event or update from your company.

2. Burying the Lead

Journalists and readers alike won't take the time to dig through several paragraphs to find the point of your press release. Make sure your most important and interesting information is upfront in the headline and first paragraph.

3. Using Jargon or Complex Language

While it's important to sound professional, overly technical language or industry jargon can make your press release difficult to understand. Aim for clarity and simplicity in your writing.

4. Neglecting the Basics

Journalists receive many press releases every day. A press release that lacks basic details like the date, location, and contact information can quickly end up in the trash.

5. Poor Formatting and Long-Windedness

A press release that's difficult to read due to poor formatting or overly verbose language can be a turn-off. Keep your sentences and paragraphs short, and use subheadings, bullet points, and spaces effectively.

6. Failing to Engage with the Media

Sending your press release is just the first step. Be ready to engage with journalists or reporters who show interest in your story. Respond promptly to any follow-up inquiries they may have.

7. Not Measuring Success

Finally, not tracking the results of your press release is a significant mistake. By measuring metrics such as reach, engagement, and conversion, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your press release and continually improve your strategy.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase the likelihood that your press release achieves your desired results, and that your story gets the attention it deserves.

X. Leveraging Press Releases for SEO and Digital Visibility

Press releases are not just for journalists or traditional media outlets; they are a powerful tool in the digital age. When appropriately structured and distributed, they can provide significant benefits to your website's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and overall digital visibility.

1. Improved Visibility on Search Engines

When distributed through the right channels, press releases can be picked up by numerous online publications. This multi-platform visibility helps improve your search engine ranking, as search engines favor content that appears in numerous places across the web.

2. Backlinks to Your Website

Press releases typically include links back to your website, either within the content or the contact information section. These backlinks, especially from high-authority news websites, are valuable in improving your website’s domain authority and search engine ranking.

3. Increased Web Traffic

As your press release gets picked up and circulated online, more people will come across your news and potentially visit your website. This can lead to an uptick in web traffic, and if your website is properly optimized, this can result in increased conversions, whether it's sign-ups, sales, or downloads.

4. Branding and Online Reputation

Press releases offer an opportunity to control your narrative. You can present your brand the way you want it to be seen and build a positive online reputation. Regular press releases show that your company is active, and the newsworthy content helps build your credibility and authority within your industry.

5. Social Media Shares

Press releases can easily be shared on social media platforms, giving them the potential to go viral. Each share on social media platforms acts as an endorsement, which can significantly boost your reach and visibility.

6. Long-Term Benefits

Press releases stay on the internet indefinitely, providing a permanent source of news about your company. They can continue to generate backlinks and improve your SEO long after they've been released.

7. Keyword Optimization

By incorporating relevant keywords into your press release, you can further enhance its discoverability. Make sure these keywords are strategically placed and align with what your target audience might use in their search queries.

Press releases are an essential tool in the digital marketing toolkit. By understanding and leveraging the SEO benefits of press releases, you can improve your online visibility, increase your reach, and contribute to your brand's long-term success.

XI. Web3/Crypto Press Release: The Blueprint for Success and Its Importance

With the rapid growth of the digital economy, Web3, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies are reshaping how businesses and society interact with technology. Companies in this space are leading a revolution towards a decentralized future. However, explaining these complex, innovative concepts to the broader public is a challenge that requires expertise and skill. This is where a well-planned Web3/Crypto press release becomes essential.

Web3 and Crypto projects have unique potential, but they also bring specific communication challenges. Sharing news about blockchain technology, decentralized applications (dApps), or cryptocurrencies requires a deep understanding of the subject and the ability to present it clearly and convincingly to a varied audience.

1. Crafting the Perfect Web3/Crypto Press Release

A successful Web3/Crypto press release should not only share information but also educate readers about the project. Balancing technical accuracy with clarity is key to ensuring your main message isn't lost in technical details.

Though the basics of a press release are similar across industries, certain aspects need extra attention in Web3/Crypto:

Understanding Your Audience - The audience for Web3/Crypto press releases ranges from tech enthusiasts and crypto traders to journalists and newcomers. Your message should appeal to this wide range, offering value to all.

Appropriate Jargon Usage - It's important to be accurate about your project's technological aspects. However, avoid overloading with technical jargon. Keep the language simple and clear, and explain any technical terms.

Regulatory Compliance - Crypto projects often face regulatory scrutiny, so ensure all claims in your press release comply with relevant regulations. Include necessary disclaimers to stay transparent.

Token Utility - If your project has a native token or coin, explain its utility. Describe its purpose, how it fits into your project, and why it's essential.

Highlighting Uniqueness - Clearly explain what sets your project apart in the crowded crypto space. Focus not just on what your project does, but also on its importance, the problem it solves, and why it matters to your audience.

2. The Key Role of a Web3/Crypto Press Release

Web3/Crypto press releases can be the driving force behind your project's recognition, fostering potential investors' interest, cultivating a vibrant community, and engendering trust among stakeholders. In this swiftly evolving digital landscape, executing your Web3/Crypto press release strategy flawlessly can make all the difference between merely participating in the race and leading the pack.

Web3/Crypto press releases are not just a medium for news dissemination; they are a critical component of your marketing strategy that can help shape perceptions, build brand equity, and ultimately drive your project's success. In the rapidly-evolving crypto and blockchain landscape, a well-crafted press release is not just a desirable asset—it's a fundamental necessity.

3. The Importance of Experienced Press Release Services

Creating an impactful press release in the Web3/Crypto space requires an understanding that goes beyond the conventional. Here, a competent press release service with a deep understanding of the crypto landscape, such as BlockPR, can be instrumental. Their services are tailored to ensure that your project's vision and goals are appropriately communicated to the world, garnering the recognition they deserve.

Targeted Distribution - With the burgeoning interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, it's essential to get your news in front of the right audience. Press release distribution services such as BlockPR have access to a vast network of outlets specializing in crypto news, ensuring that your press release reaches potential investors, influencers, and stakeholders in the industry.

Creating Engaging Content - Crafting a compelling press release requires proficiency in translating intricate technological concepts into clear, engaging content that resonates with readers. Experienced services like BlockPR provide the expert touch to transform your project's complexities into an engaging narrative that piques curiosity and drives engagement.

Navigating Regulatory Waters - The legal framework around Web3/Crypto projects is continually evolving, making it imperative for your press release to stay in compliance with the latest regulations. BlockPR's expertise in the crypto space equips them to help navigate these regulatory waters effectively, ensuring your press release remains within the permissible boundaries.

Showcasing Your Uniqueness - With a multitude of projects in the crypto space, standing out from the crowd is a challenge. Expert press release services can spotlight what makes your project truly unique and weave a compelling story around your brand. By highlighting your project's distinctiveness, BlockPR helps set you apart in a highly competitive marketplace.

A well-crafted Web3/Crypto press release is an essential tool in your arsenal to drive your project's visibility, credibility, and ultimate success. Leveraging an experienced press release service like BlockPR that understands the nuances of the crypto and blockchain space can ensure that your press release captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. With their expertise, you can chart your course towards becoming a vanguard in the exciting new frontier of Web3.

To sum up

In this guide, we have explored the key parts of press releases, which are still crucial in public relations. We started by understanding what a press release is and why it remains a strong communication tool despite changes in the media.

We covered the structure of a press release, focusing on how to create impactful headlines, engaging body content, and effective boilerplates. We also discussed the importance of storytelling and using multimedia to enhance the message. Additionally, we addressed how to distribute press releases, use SEO, and measure success.

We also talked about writing press releases for crisis management, the role of social media in increasing reach, and how press releases fit into a larger marketing plan.

In the later sections, we looked at Web3 and Crypto press releases, discussing how to communicate effectively in this new field. We explained how expert services like BlockPR can help ensure your message reaches the right audience.

Creating and sharing an effective press release takes creativity, strategic thinking, and attention to detail. Whether you're a startup making your first announcement or an established company managing a crisis, a well-crafted press release is powerful. This guide aims to help you use press releases effectively in your communication strategy, making your brand stand out in a busy media world.

Some stats and facts you should know about Press Release:

  • Press releases with 300-500 words get 60% more views according to Marketo. Longer content doesn't necessarily perform better.

  • HubSpot research shows press releases with data-focused headlines increase click-through rates by over 50%.

  • A Semrush study found press releases can improve domain authority and organic rankings, with over 15% of top Google results containing press release content.

  • Per DataHighway, 38% of press releases get picked up by media outlets and news sites. Strategic targeting improves results.

  • Infographics and visuals can boost press release engagement by over 80% according to PR Newswire research.

  • During crisis scenarios, organizations publishing press releases experience a 7.7% higher stock price according to a study by Kenon-Flagler Business School.

  • Press releases with localized angles see a 47% higher pickup rate by regional media outlets per Burrelles research.

  • 70% of press release readers scan for company names they recognize before deciding whether to read more closely (PR Newswire). Branding matters.

  • Embedding relevant contextual links can boost press release click-through rates by 28% compared to text-only releases (Onclusive).

  • Press releases posted on a Monday achieve 15% higher readership on average compared to other days according to Brandwatch data.

  • Subject lines between 50-70 characters long garner 20% higher open rates over shorter or longer headlines per CoSchedule.

  • Press releases that incorporate expert insights and quotes receive 87% more engagement on LinkedIn (Muck Rack).

  • 35% of press release readers scan for C-level executives mentioned in the release according to PR Newswire surveys.

  • Google indexes press releases published on reputable distribution platforms more than private company blogs (Semrush).

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